Full Eclipse Schedule:
1) Thursday Evening Kosher Restaurant Night CLICK HERE TO RSVP
2) Friday night Services and Shabbat dinner CLICK HERE TO RSVP
3) Shabbat services and special Eclipse Kiddush - Saturday August 19, at 9:30am.
4) Sunday morning 8:00 am Tallis and Tefillin followed by a bagels and lox breakfast.
5) Sunday August 20, at 7:00 pm Afternoon and Evening Services with a study of a Talmudic Take on a Total Eclipse.
6) Monday August 21, at 7:00 am - Morning services followed by bagels and lox breakfast.
7) Monday August 21, 1:00 pm: kosher Luncheon and Learn all about the religious significance of a total eclipse. 2:41 PM: 100% Longest Eclipse On the East Coast. 3:00: Program concludes: 3:00 pm CLICK HERE TO RSVP