Family Shabbat Dinner Registration Form: Friday, March 8, 2024 At the Chabad-Aleph House 6:00 PM Services 7:00 PM: Shabbat Dinner Name: Email: Phone: I would like to attend the Shabbat Dinner @ the Chabad Aleph House. Please Check one: Price: $36/Adult- $18/Child - 1 Adult: $36 2 Adults: $72 3 Adults: $108 1 Child:$18 2 Children:$36 3 Children:$72 Total: I would like to help sponsor someone who is not able to pay for this dinner, Please add: $100 $50 $36 $18 Payment: Please charge my credit card Credit Card information: Visa Mastercard AmEx Name on card: Card Number: Expiration date: Security code: Zip Code: 100% of the proceeds of this donation or payment benefit Chabad of South Carolina, EIN 57-0841922 This page uses 128 bit SSL encryption to keep your data secure.